Friday, February 22, 2008

Misuse of the Word "Peace"

Even The Jerusalem Post gets caught repeating anti-Israel propaganda terminology.

The Jerusalem Post posted an article misleadingly entitled "US peace activist hurt in Bil'in protest." The article included the following:

Some 2,000 Palestinians and left-wing activists gathered in the West Bank village of Bil'in on Friday to commemorate three years of their struggle against the security barrier in the area.

According to the organizers of the demonstration, 10 people were wounded in clashes with security forces, including a US peace activist who was hit in the head by a rubber bullet and evacuated in moderate condition to a hospital in Ramallah.

Among the demonstrators were Palestinian parliamentarian Mustafa Barghouti and Hadash Chairman Muhammad Barakei.

Anti-Israel groups inherently supporting war and terrorism frequently include the terms "peace" and "justice" in their names in order to deceive the naïve; it's surprising The Jerusalem Post fell into their trap.

True peace activists aren't violent. Eye on the World blog noted the demonstration was accurately portrayed as a violent protest in the following Reuters photo caption:

Shanbo Heinemann, a pro-Palestinian activist from San Francisco, California, is tended to by Palestinian medics after he was shot in the head with a rubber bullet fired by Israeli troops during a violent protest against Israel's security fence in the West Bank village of Bilin.

We shouldn't give too much credit to Reuters, which apparently recoiled from the concept of accuracy and ommitted the reference to the violence of the protest in the following caption of a similar photo:

Shanbo Heinemann, a pro-Palestinian activist from San Francisco, California, reacts after being shot in the head with a rubber bullet fired by Israeli troops during a protest against Israel's controversial separation barrier near the West Bank village of Bilin.

Someone who protests against life-saving measures such as the anti-terror barrier that has already saved thousands of lives is obviously not a "peace activist."

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