It could not be otherwise.
Those Israel-haters are now hypocritically attacking "Doc's Talk, an excellent blog from PRIMER board member Don Morris.
One often hears neither side is complete right or completely wrong in any conflict and certainly Israel has made mistakes, but one would be hard put to find a conflict in which the right and wrong, the aggressor and the attacked are as clear as in the Arab-Israeli one.
From the very beginning, Israel has striven to end the conflict, to live in peace with its Arab neighbors, while its Arab enemies, including the Palestinian Arabs, have steadfastly refused any solution that didn't entail the elimination of Israel.
It is thus virtually impossible for anyone to take the Arab side in the conflict without being either ignorant or bigoted and morally bankrupt.
Similarly, any honest presentation of facts and history inevitably support Israel, it's virtually impossible to make an anti-Israel argument without resorting to lies, distortions and hypocrisy.
The Israel-haters routinely, hypocritically and falsely accuse Israel of since of which its enemies are guilty.
The Israel-haters routinely, hypocritically and falsely accuse supporters of Israel of the since of which they themselves are guilty.
The murder of innocent civilians lies at the heart of the strategies of both Hamas and the so-called "moderate" Fatah and is enshrined in the charters of both terror organizations, while Israel valiantly tries to avoid harming Arab civilians, yet members of the global anti-Israel conspiracy routinely, hypocritically and falsely accuse Israel of human rights abuses.
The Arab League has for six decades tried to starve Israelis to death with its boycott, while even while its own citizens have been under attack Israel has tried to provide for the welfare of the very people attacking it, yet members of the global anti-Israel conspiracy routinely, hypocritically and falsely accuse Israel of trying to starve the people living in Gaza.
The Palestinian Authority has made it a capital crime to sell land to a Jew and one of its primary demands is that all territory transferred to it be made judenrein, while Israel has long been the only country in the Middle East which allows citizenship for people of all races, creeds and national origins and gives all equal legal rights, yet members of the global anti-Israel conspiracy, including a former president of the United States, routinely, hypocritically and falsely accuse Israel of apartheid.
Israel-haters go to tremendous lengths to prevent Israel's supporters from presenting the facts, misusing poorly-crafted libel laws to bring suit against writers and journalists presenting obvious truths and violently demonstrating against speakers on college campuses, yet members of the global anti-Israel conspiracy, including a former president of the United States and professors associated with prestigious universities, routinely, hypocritically and falsely accuse Israel of preventing a free and honest debate on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
In their hypocritical attack on free speech, the Israel-haters are on an organized campaign to censor Doc's Talk, taking advantage of a feature of Google's Blogger that depends on the integrity of the public.
When someone reads a blog entry on any Blogger blog, one is given the opportunity to ask Blogger to "flag" the blog.
When one tries to do so, one is presented with the following:
One of the hallmarks of Blogger is the importance of freedom of speech. Blogger is a provider of content creation tools, not a mediator of that content. We allow our users to create blogs, but we don't make any claims about the content of these pages, nor do we censor them. However, Blogger has standards and policies in place to protect our users and the Blogger network, as well as to ensure that Blogger is complying with all national, state, international, and local laws.
Please select the type of violation that you'd like to report:
Defamation/Libel/Slander (Learn more.)
Copyright/Piracy issues
Spam (Learn more.)
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Hate or violence (Learn more.)
I need to contact another user
Someone is posting my private information
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As is obvious from reading its posts, none of those violations apply to Doc's Talk, but that hasn't stopped members of the global anti-Israel conspiracy from flagging Doc's Talk, lying about the alleged violations.
Blogger has now caved in to the pressure of the global anti-Israel consipacy and flagged Doc's Talk, despite the obvious fact that Doc's Talk complies completely with its standards.
One result is that Doc's Talk is now unavailable to people staying at the many United States hotels which block any blogs flagged by Blogger.
As I noted, hatred and bigotry have always been at the heart of the global anti-Israel conspiracy, of which lies, distortions and hypocrisy have always been staples.
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