Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How Has Iran Been Violating the JCPOA? Let Me Count the Ways

This list of seven ways is courtesy of Peter Goodman. If we've missed any, let us know.

1. Iran exceeded the limits on heavy water at least twice. See, for example the Radio Free Europe article

2. Iran never came clean about its prior work on nuclear weapons. See, for example, PM Netanyahu presents conclusive proof of Iranian secret nuclear weapons program.

3. Even after the implementation of the JCPOA, Iran continued to try, and in some cases succeeded, in procuring illicit nuclear technology. See, for example, German
Intelligence: Iran Still Seeking Illicit Nuclear Technology.

4. Iran stored tons of illegal radioactive material in Tehran and then, when revealed by Israel, denied doing so and spread the material around to avoid detection. Despite being given the evidence by the Israeli government, the IAEA first refused to investigate and then delayed, apparently in the hope the evidence would be gone by the time they looked. However, that didn't work and the IAEA recently found evidence it could not cover up. See, for example, the July 11 Jerusalem Post article Material at Iran site, proving it broke deal - Report.

5. Iran, in direct violation of the JCPOA, procured replacements parts for the Arak reactor. Iran's Nuclear Chief Salehi: We Had Secretly Purchased Replacements for Nuclear Equipment That the JCPOA Had Required Us to Destroy; Yellowcake Production Facilities are Operational; We Are Advancing in Nuclear Propulsion. Watch the twitter video.

6. Iran failed to file reports to the IAEA based on their own SELF-INSPECTED data of their own sites. (Can you believe that the JCPOA allowed them to self-inspect?)

7. The head of Iran’s nuclear agency told lawmakers that Iran has enriched 24 metric tons of uranium since the 2015 nuclear deal was reached in clear violation of its terms.

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